(Yes, really!)

Dear future superstar,

Let’s get right down to business.

In this document, I am going to reveal the secrets of how to make +$30,000/month on OnlyFans in 3-4 months without leaving your home.

Even better, most of the techniques that I describe below can be automated or done-for-you by our modeling agency.

But we’ll talk about that later.  

Before we get into the juicy stuff (no pun intended), let me introduce myself.

My name is Jay and I am not a pornstar, porn director, or porn casting agent.

My background is in sales and marketing.

Specifically, I am a traffic generation expert.  

For you non-techy people out there, that means I am an EXPERT at getting people to pay attention to what I want them to pay attention to.  

And if you have ever tried to promote yourself as an influencer, you can probably see where this would come in handy.  

If I had a dollar for every girl I talked to who said some variation of the following:

“Yeah, I have an OnlyFans. But it’s so much work!”  

I’d be a millionaire from that alone.  

Let’s face it: as a female, you have an asset that is in high demand.  

Guys like seeing you naked.

Guys like talking to you.

Guys like talking to you while you are naked.  

They like it so much, in fact, that they are willing to exchange their hard-earned dollars for the privilege of real-time
interaction with you.  

So if we both know this to be true, THEN WHY AREN’T YOU RICH?  

Why are you still struggling to pay your rent with $0 in your bank account?

Simple: because you do not have the marketing skills to promote yourself as a freelance content creator.

No disrespect intended. It’s not as easy as it sounds.

  • It’s NOT just about having DDs, a fat ass, or being “good in bed.”

  • It’s NOT just about having a pretty face, a “great personality,” or getting lots of likes from thirsty dudes on IG.

  • It’s NOT just about giving good head, taking the perfect selfie, or being the prettiest one of your friends.

With all due respect, there are likely millions of girls that have you beat in every single one of those categories.

And likewise, there are equally as many average looking girls who are making 6 figures - who YOU have beat in all those categories!

So what’s the secret sauce?


Let me get more specific:

Here’s a SHORT list of SOME of the things you need to do:

1. Know how to talk to guys and give them what they want (it’s harder than you think)

2. Set up the “techy stuff” like OBS and TeamViewer

3. Chat with your fans ALL DAY to get them to tip you or buy premium content

4. Post daily content to your social media accounts

5. Post teaser content to 100s of sites across the internet

6. Make yourself stand out against the millions of girls who are doing the same thing - many of whom are prettier, younger, and more unique than you

Do you have a background in all this computer stuff? Probably not.

Do you have any experience as a business owner? Also, probably not.

Do you particularly care about MASTERING all of these skills so you can become successful? Again, very unlikely.

I’m going to tell you a simple solution to this problem. But before I do, I want to do a little thought experiment.

Let me ask you a question. And don’t just answer right away - think about it for a second.

Think about the girls you’ve seen who are successful in the adult industry. The ones who make 6 figures, who buy expensive handbags with their own money, who never have to worry about working for the rest of their lives.

What’s the one thing they have in common?


Yeah yeah, it’s 2023 and there are 157 genders. Okay fine. And the patriarchy is the root of all evil.

But at the end of the day, every successful woman that you see - especially in the adult industry! - has a team of men who are:

  • Promoting her

  • Chatting with her fans

  • Booking her appointments

  • Driving traffic to her fan pages

  • Photographing/videoing her

  • Editing her content

  • And doing all the nerdy tech stuff to make sure everybody knows who she is

Let’s be honest: do you really think there are girls on OnlyFans who do it all by themselves and make any decent money?

If you believe that and want to give it a shot on your own, I wish you the best.

If you’re more strongly rooted in reality, then the solution is to sign with us to do all of those things for you.

  • We will tell you EXACTLY what types of pictures to take

  • We will push traffic to your fan pages from certified BUYERS

  • We will create a content plan for you to execute

  • We will chat with your fans and upsell them - EVERY DAY

  • We will spread your content all over the internet

  • We will reveal to you how to stand out in a sea of competition

If you were to try to do all of these things on your own, you would probably fail.

Not because you’re not smart or talented, but because it takes years to learn and develop these skills. Years that you may not have (or want to spend) on learning how to be a computer geek.

But fortunately, we are here to do all of the heavy lifting for you.

And for a limited time, we are accepting A FEW new models for representation.

Our Offer

When you sign with us, here’s what you get:

A dedicated account manager

When you work with us, we don’t just throw you to the wolves and expect you to “figure it out” on your own.

One of our account managers will oversee your development, coach you, and give you guidance until you are making +$30,000/month.

A proven 90 day content & traffic plan

Let’s face it: most people don’t create content regularly for social media because they don’t know what to make. They have no ideas.

And not only do they not have any ideas, but the ideas they come up with are untested and unproven.

After a few days of posting and not seeing any results they stop and give up.

When you sign with us, we will provide a PROVEN 90 day content & traffic plan with instructions on EXACTLY what kinds of content to create.

Proven, tested, and guaranteed to attract the kind of attention and traffic we want.

And remember: more attention = more money.

Money-motivated chatters who sell to your fans

Getting all this traffic is completely worthless if there’s nobody waiting to convert the traffic into cash.

That’s where our team of ice cold hustlers comes into play. We recruit only the best salespeople who are money-motivated and hungry for those dollars.

Not only that, but we train them on how to milk as much money as possible from your fans.

Whether that’s with premium content, private pictures/videos, or something else, our team will do what it takes to make you as much money as possible in a short time frame.

Branded and edited video content

At Apex Cam Studios, we’re more than just your old run of the mill talent agency.

We create superstars. And the way we do that is by turning each of our models into their own personal brand.

Our professional video editors will splice your clips up into their most attractive parts, complete with branded intro including references to all your social media and fan pages.

This not only makes you stand out as unique, but serves as an extremely effective method of pushing more traffic to the pages that will help generate money.

Peace of mind and free time

Okay, so technically we won’t give this to you directly. But this is something you will receive after working with us.

You’ll know that you are following a PROVEN strategy to make $30,000/month - or more.

And when that money starts coming in, imagine how much easier your life will be - especially when all your money-problems start disappearing!

Our Don't Pay Us A Dime If We Don't Deliver Guarantee

If you follow our instructions and we don't get you results - you don't have to pay us a dime!

No other agency is as confident as we are at delivering results.

What we need from you

We know this sounds wonderful so far.

You’re probably wondering, “Okay, but does this require me to record hours of video footage and take hundreds of pictures?”

Ding ding ding! Not quite, but just about on the money.

We need 1 - 2 hours a day of your time to create content that'll make you money!

Look, if there was a way to make you rich and famous by selling only a few pictures and videos, we’d obviously have you do that instead.

But unfortunately, that doesn’t work.

The good news is that we have a proven content strategy that WORKS.

Not only that, but we have a very detailed list (complete with examples) that explains EXACTLY what we need from you.

This isn’t the place for me to go into detail, but I can tell you this:

The amount of TIME it will take you to create this content won’t take you more than 1-2 hours a day.

However - and this is very important - if you are starting from scratch, then we will need a lot of content from you before we launch your account.

In other words: if you do not have a bank of quality pictures and videos for us, then you will probably have to spend 5-6 hours creating it in order for us to launch you.

We will give you FULL specifications for what we need. Is 5-6 hours a week of work too much for you? I really hope not.

Yes, it’s a lot of content.

But is it a lot of WORK?

Is it HARD?


I can’t answer that for you.

Personally, if someone told me I could make $30k/month by shaking my ass and taking some selfies I’d send them the content within 24 hours.

But that’s me.

Maybe you have something better to do. Maybe you’re already making $30k/month. Look, here’s the point:

In order for our method to work, we need a lot of content. And you need to make it. And it’s not like we need it all on day 1, either.

You’ll have a little bit of time to hand it all in.

And me, your account manager, and the rest of our team will be right there to help guide you and give you confidence.

I promise you - once you start getting those first fans, it won’t feel like work at all.

Once you see the money coming in, you’ll want to crank out even MORE content than what we need.

And when you see the glowing compliments from people who genuinely ADORE you, you’ll feel like you’re on top of the world.

Especially because those compliments usually come with big $$$! And let’s be honest:

What we’re asking for can be done in the same amount of time it takes you to watch 1-2 episodes of your favorite series on Netflix!

And in fact, many of our models just send us content one or two times per week instead of every day.

You could even spend 1 weekend a month working for a few hours a day and send us everything we need for the month.

How many other jobs do you know where you can make +$30,000/month with less than 6 hours of work?

But that’s ALL.

You provide those to us, we will do the rest.

If you are not comfortable recording that kind of content, sorry to have wasted your time.

If you ARE comfortable with creating that kind of content and you DON’T sign with us, then you’re an idiot.

This will be the easiest money you’ve ever made in your life.


Okay sounds great, how much does it cost?

Now look, realistically we could charge a lot of money for these services.

In fact, if you were to try and hire a video editor, marketing team, chatters, software developers, and a content specialist, you could easily spend $200,000.

Not only that, but if we were to sell our model promotion services on the open market, we could EASILY charge $8,000 - $15,000 per month for everything that we do.

Why? Because we will make you 10x that thanks to the complex marketing framework we’ve developed after a decade in the industry.


You don’t have to pay anything to become one of our models. Does that mean we’ll take anyone? Absolutely not.

We recruit ONLY the elite special forces of content creators...

And don’t worry - we’re not just doing this out of the goodness of our hearts, either. There are three things that you must “pay” to become one of our models:

  • 50/50 split after expenses (50% for us, 50% for you)

  • The rights to all of the adult content you create while signed with us

  • Your time and attention

If you have a problem with the split, then you can stop reading right now.

No offense, but there are millions of models like you, but very few companies that can do what we can do.

As far as retaining the rights to your content, there’s a very simple reason we do this. You see, we invest a lot of time and money developing you into a marketable brand.

We pay out of our own pocket to drive the traffic, set up your pages, edit your content, and all the other high level tasks that are involved in making you look like a legit star.

If we don’t own the rights to your content, then what’s to stop you from saying goodbye once we’ve made you rich and famous - taking the assets we worked so hard to create with you?

Listen - we didn’t make this up out of nowhere. It’s actually happened. So you can blame the people who came before you for not playing fair.

Here’s what it comes down to:

If your priority is making $360,000/year by working 3-4 hours a day, then who cares who owns the rights to the pictures of your butthole?

If you really care that much, then it’s not a good fit. Best of luck to you elsewhere. If you are like us - money motivated hustlers - then you’ll be right at home.

How to apply

SO! If you’ve gotten this far, you’re probably wondering what you need to do to take the first steps towards getting started.

The next step is to send us a message us on WhatsApp (+1-647-670-1711) or reach out on Instagram and let's talk.

What to include in the message:

1) Your name

2) 3 photos of you (face and body, non-nude please)

3) A sentence or two about why you want to sign with us

4) Anything else you think we should know

We won’t accept anyone, but I’ll tell you what we’re looking for:

1) Reliable people who show up when they say they will

2) Dependable people who we can count on to provide content when we need it

3) Money-motivated people who are in this for the money - NOT to boost their ego

Just remember that our goal is to get you to +$30,000/month ASAP so that you are a happy little bunny.

If you do what we tell you to do, you will get there in 90 days.

Ideally, we’d like to work with you forever.

If you are hard working, dependable, and committed to making money, then we want to hear from you.

If you’re lazy, looking for a quick buck, or are just another “average” person, then I’m sorry to have wasted your time.

So what are you waiting for?

Are you really going to spend another day, week, month or year in your dusty ass apartment? Driving your beat up car, wearing the same ratty clothes, and living in your small-time town?

  • Wouldn’t you rather be able to buy whatever you want without checking your bank account?

  • Wouldn’t you rather eat at fancy restaurants, stay in nice hotels, and travel the world?

  • Wouldn’t you rather live a life of true freedom, instead of being tied to a job?

I won’t lie to you: becoming rich and famous by selling your content is NOT easy.

Simple? Yes

Time-consuming? Yes

Guaranteed to work if you follow instructions? YES!

Look, this isn’t easy money. This is FREE MONEY.

If I, as a man, could record 5 minutes of videos a day using a dildo instead of all the other shit I have to do to make $360k/year, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

I don’t know about you, but to me that seems a lot easier than having a “real” job. Or depending on some man to keep you clothed and fed. Or worse - the government!

So if you’re ready to make hundreds of thousands of dollars, get famous, travel the world, and have legions of adoring fans - don’t waste another second.

Send a message us on WhatsApp (+1-647-670-1711) or DM us on Instagram right now with the following info:

1) Your name

2) 3 photos of you (face and body, non-nude please)

3) A sentence or two about why you want to sign with us

4) Anything else you think we should know

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Owner of Apex Cam Studios

P.S. Scroll down to see recent earnings screenshots

P.P.S. Seen enough?

What are you waiting for?

Here’s the reality ladies - the world doesn’t care about excuses - yours or mine.

“I’m broke.”

“I have to pay for <insert expense here>.” “I can’t because…”

I’ll be honest with you: there are always millions of reasons why you won’t succeed. It’s not hard to find something to blame your failure on.

But when it comes to success, there’s only 1 reason that it happens…

Because you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

And look - the average person just isn’t built for that.

They just want to work their 9-5, watch their TV shows, smoke a bowl and distract themselves with nonsense while they slowly die a little more each day.

But the truly motivated person, the one with a burning desire to achieve great wealth, literally CANNOT sleep at night because they are obsessing over their goal.

They want it SO BAD they can taste it.

They fantasize about what their life will be like when all their money problems disappear. How they’ll travel, eat wherever they want, and wear the nice clothes they used to feel bad they couldn’t afford.

Imagine never having to worry about money ever again.

Imagine having enough in the bank to buy your parents a house, provide for your children, or just go blow a bunch on a shopping spree after spending a week in Vegas or Ibiza.

That life is closer to you than you think. All you have to do is try.

I know I might have sounded like an insensitive jerk in this letter, but that’s because I’ve seen too many models with incredible potential do absolutely nothing with their potential.

Stunning, gorgeous, charming girls who could get ANY guy they wanted - living in cramped studio apartments with their cats, working shitty jobs, wasting time with drug dealers, low-life losers, and criminals - and why?

Was it because they weren’t pretty enough? Was it because other girls were prettier? More charming? Sexier? Younger?


It was because they just didn’t do the work.

I see it all the time with new models.

Guys slobber over them, people are nice to them, and they live a charmed life where they can get away with murder just because they won the genetic lottery.

But in the business world, physical beauty has very little value.

In this world, value is generated by PRODUCING something that your customers will pay for.

Being beautiful, feminine, and sexy is worthless in this business if it does not PRODUCE a picture or video.

And if they don’t take those pictures and shoot those videos, then what good does it do them to be beautiful?

Some of you might not be able to relate.

But I know some of you are picking up what I am putting down. The way I see it, you have two options.

Option 1:

  • Create daily content

  • Grow and manage your own Instagram account to 50,000 followers

  • Build 10,000 karma on a Reddit account so you can post to the most popular subreddits

  • Find your own network of popular OnlyFans creators who will agree to do S4S and paid shoutouts with you

  • Create your own 90 day content plan for TikTok

  • Post multiple times per day to your OnlyFans (and all your other social media)

  • Message your fans multiple times per day to sell them premium content

  • Reply to 1000s of messages from fans to sext and sell 8-10 hours a day

Option 2:

  • Create daily content

Doesn’t seem like such a difficult choice now, does it?

Apply or don’t- the choice is up to you.

Send a message us on WhatsApp (+1-647-670-1711) or DM us on Instagram with the following info:

1) Your name

2) 3 photos of you (face and body, non-nude please)

3) A sentence or two about why you want to sign with us

4) Anything else you think we should know

Hope to talk to you soon!



Owner of Apex Cam Studios

2023 Apex Cam Studio | Sitemap